

Please, before completing the registration form below, read the guidelines:


Participants are welcomed to submit abstracts for oral presentation and/or poster presentation

Abstract submission is open from February 28 to June 15, 2018. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR PARTICIPANTS: EXTENDED DEADLINE UNTIL AUGUST 30, 2018.

All abstracts must be submitted in English and exclusively via online using the Nanotech website.

Please note that all submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the congress organizers.

IMPORTANT: Abstract must be submitted by the presenting author.


To DOWNLOAD the Oficial template, clik HERE

To DOWNLOAD the Photography Contest in Nanoscience, clik HERE


Work submission  


Author(s): Must be listed using uppercase and lowercase letters in following format: Initials and last name, the presenting author's name must be underlined.

Affiliations: Must be listed immediately below the Author(s), including the corresponding postal address.

Abstract: Must not exceed 300 words excluding title, authors, degrees and institutions, etc. Please provide an accurate email address of the presenting author

Keywords: Add up to 3 keywords related to the abstract.


Poster size: The recommended poster size is A0 (1189 mm x 841 mm) portrait. Please ensure that your poster does not exceed this size. It is recommended that you leave a margin of at least 3 inches (7.5 cm) around the poster. When preparing your poster and considering how much of your display will be visible at eye-level.


Poster Panel Allocation

A numbered panel will be allocated for each poster (separate from the abstract number you have been assigned) and staff will be on hand at the conference to provide your poster panel number. Please ensure that you stand by your poster(s) during your session for discussion and questions.


Oral Presentation

Oral presentations last for 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.



It is the responsibility of the authors to have the material with which the poster will be fixed.

Note: Please provide an accurate email address of the presenting author. Avoid using abbreviations for name and last name, provide your full name. This information is needed to generate official documents such as acceptance letters and/or "course, assistance and poster certificates".


Notification of acceptance

Please note that all submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committee. Authors will be notified by email whether or not their work has been accepted for a oral/poster presentation.