Prof. Gabriel Luna Bárcenas


Introduction to Modern Biomaterials

Gabriel Luna Bárcenas

CINVESTAV, Libramiento Norponiente #2000, Fracc. Real de Juriquilla, C. P. 76230, Santiago de Querétaro, Qro. México 




1.    What is biomaterial?

1.1. Where are the biomaterials?

1.2. General applications of biomaterials

1.3. Biomaterial or medical device?

2.    Classes of materials used in medicine

2.1. How many different types of biomaterials are in use today?

2.2. What do biomaterials all share in common? 

3.    Polymeric materials - Part I

3.1. What is a polymeric biomaterial?

3.2. How are they used?

3.3 Molecular arrangement of polymers

4.    Polymeric materials - Part II

4.1. What makes one polymer different from another?

4.2. Binding and structure of polymers


4.3 Termoplastics

4.4 Termosets

4.5 Polyelectrolytes

5.    Secuence of local events following device implantation

5.1. Hemostasis: Vasoconstriction & plug formation

5.2. Hemostasis: Coagulation & clot stabilization

5.3 The wound healing continiuum


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