Prof. Yong Pei


The Structural and Electronic Pattern of the Thiolate-Protected Gold Clusters

Yong Pei

Department of Chemistry, Xiangtan University, China


Th estructure and properties of thiolate-stabilized gold nanoclusters, refer to Aun(SR)m, received great research interests.1The thiolate-stabilized gold nanoclusters show magic-stable sizes in solution synthesis. However, for a long time, the determination of the atomic structures of these nanoclusters was a grand challenge for both experiment and theory. In this talk, I would to like to introduce our recent theoretical works about the structural predictions, optical absorption spectra, dissociation mechanism in mass spectrum (MS) and structure-electronic structure relationships of the thiolate-stabilized gold nanoclustersat smaller size.2-9Based on the proposed genetic structure rule of the Aun(SR)mclusters, we designed a simple method to avoid the complicated ligand shell in structural search of the most stable cluster structures. Using this method, we have successfully predicted a lot of cluster structures and many of theoretical predictions have been proven by experimental XRD results. Moreover, a genetic structural evolution rule and the structure-electronic structure relationships of the thiolate-stabilized gold clusters is summarized.


1.     R. Jin, C. Zeng, M. Zhou, Y. Chen Chem. Rev.116 , 10346–10413, (2016).

2.     Y. Pei; X. C. Zeng *; Nanoscale4, 4054–4072, (2012).  

3.     Y. Pei; R. Pal; C. Liu; Y. Gao; Z. Zhang; X. C. Zeng * J. Am. Chem. Soc.134, 3015–3024, (2012).

4.     Y. Pei; S. Lin; J. Su; C. Liu J. Am. Chem. Soc.135, 19060−19063. (2013).

5.     C. Liu; S. Lin.; Y. Pei; Zeng, X. C.J. Am. Chem. Soc.135135, 18067–18079,(2013).

6.     C. Liu, Y. Pei, H. Sun, J. Ma, J. Am. Chem. Soc.137,15809–15816,(2015).

7.     S. Chen, L. Xiong, S. Wang, Z. Ma, S. Jin, H. Sheng, Y. Pei, M. Zhu J. Am. Chem. Soc.138138, 10754–10757,(2016).

8.     P. Wang, X. Sun, X. Liu, L. Xiong, Z. Ma, Y. Wang, Y. PeiNanoscale10, 10357-10364,(2018).

9.     L. Xiong, S. Yang, X. X. Sun, J. Chai, B. Rao, L. Yi, M. Zhu, Y. Pei J. Phys. Chem. C122122, 14898–14907 (2018).

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