Prof. Raquel E. Galian



Raquel E. Galian 

Institute of Molecular Science (ICMOL), University of Valencia, c/ Cat. José Beltrán 2, Paterna, 46980

Hybrid lead halide perovskites (PVK)have particular optical and electronic properties with extensive application in photovoltaic and more recently as luminescent materials for light emitting devices (LEDs) [1]. We have reported in 2014 the first example of CH3NH3PbBrcolloidal perovskite nanocrystal (ca. 6 nm) with good luminescence quantum yield (20%), using medium-long alkylammonium bromide as organic capping [2]. The key role of the organic ligand nature to prepare perovskite emitter with high luminescence properties, stability and dispersibility will be discussed [3]. Different molar ratios between precursors have provided high control on their crystallization, stoichiometry, size, and therefore on their optical performance. A surface engineering on the perovskite nanocrystals enable the formation of host-guestcomplexes and the preparation of novel nanohybrid [4]. One of the challenge in the development of thin film based on PVK nanoparticles is the use of organic ligand-free nanocrystals to increase the charge transport efficiency between them. The preparation of stable “naked” colloidal nanoparticles to produce conductive thin film with controlled thicknesses and electroluminescent devices will be also discussed [5]. 

Key Words: colloids,perovskites, photoluminescence, conductive AFM, electroluminescence 


[1] W. S. Yang, B.-W. Park, E. H. Jung, N. J. Jeon, Y. C. Kim, D. U. Lee, S. S. Shin, J. Seo, E. K. Kim, J. H. Noh, S. I. Seok, Science2017356, 1376; Z. Xiao, R. A. Kerner, L. Zhao, N. L. Tran, K. M. Lee, T.-W. Koh, G. D. Scholes, B. P. Rand, Nature Photonics 201711, 108.

[2] L. C. Schmidt, A. Pertegás, S. González-Carrero, O. Malinkiewicz, S. Agouram, G. Mínguez Espallargas, H. J. Bolink, R. E. Galian, J. Pérez-Prieto, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014136, 850. 

[3] S. Gonzalez-Carrero, R. E. Galian, J. Pérez-Prieto,J. Mat. Chem. A 20153, 9187 & J. Mat. Chem. A 20153, 14039.

[4] S. Gonzalez-Carrero, L. Frances-Soriano, M. Gonzalez-Bejar, S. Agouram, R. E. Galian, J. Perez-Prieto, Small 201612, 5245. 

[5] S. Gonzalez-Carrero, L. C. Schmidt, I. Rosa-Pardo, L. Martínez-Sarti, M. Sessolo, R. E. Galian, J. Pérez-Prieto, ACS Omega 20183, 1298; S. Gonzalez-Carrero, L. Martínez-Sarti, M. Sessolo, R.E. Galian and J. Pérez-PrietoJ. Mater. Chem. C2018,6, 6771.

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