2nd Workshop on Molecular Simulation


José Guillermo Méndez Bermudez*, Iván Guillén Escamilla*, and Arlette Méndez Maldonado**

*Centro Universitario de los Valles, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico

**Centro Universitario de Ciencias Exactas e Ingienerías, 

Universidad de Guadalajara, México


Molecular simulation using GROMACS software: from the basics of molecular dynamics to complex applications.

Goal: The aims of this workshop is to understands the basic concepts to develop a molecular dynamics in GROMACS.  Understand how to build systems related with, nanostructures and biological systems. The workshop will be in Spanish.


Monday: Basic Unix commands, introduction to Molecular Dynamics with Gromacs.  Exercises: Building systems.

Tuesday: Nanotube systems

Wednesday: Biological  membranes

Thursday: Gallstones formation

Please. Bring your computer ...

Participants registration click HERE !!

The following free programs must be previously installed (on Mac IOS / Linux OS):

If you have a problem to install this software you can see the attached files and you can send me an email.



Dr. José Guillermo Méndez Bermúdez: jose.mendez@valles.udg.mx

Dr. Arlette Méndez Maldonado: arlette.mm@gmail.com