

General objective:

To promote worldwide the dissemination of graduate programs of Mexican institutions in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology by constructing liaisons and collaborative agreements with international organizations that will benefit scientific research groups. Futhermore, Nanotech seeks to showcase the state of the art in nanomaterials and/or nanostructured materials for both local scientific groups and companies dedicated to develop technology and to do research in these fields.


Specific objectives:

  • To discuss ideas and problems in the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology. 

  • To foster research in nanoscience and naotechnology in Mexico.

  • To maintain and update the human resources, research infrastructure for inter-institutional collaborations and inter-research group databases. 

  • To optimize the use of experimental infrastructure and computing technology available in this sector. 

  • To encourage nationwide and abroad academic relationships among different research groups by solving problems of mutual concern. 

  • To discuss common objetives and goals as a scientific community.

  • To broadcast research in academic institutions, industry and among the public.

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